Kathy Pimlott
I have a full collection, the small manoeuvres, Verve Poetry Press, 2022) and three pamphlets with The Emma Press, After the Rites and Sandwiches (2024); Elastic Glue (2019) and Goose Fair Night (2016). I've been published in magazines including Magma, Mslexia, Brittle Star, The North, Poem, The Rialto, Under the Radar, Morning Star, Fenland Reed, Finished Creatures, 14 and South Bank Poetry; and in several anthologies. On-line, I'm one of 20 poets in the Poetry Archive's permanent WordView 2020 Collection, The Stare's Nest, And Other Poems, Ink, Sweat & Tears, The Friday Poem and Proletarian Poet. Recently I have begun to lead workshops and have delivered them at the Verve and Poetry in Aldeburgh Festivals.
You can listen to the online launch of After the Rites and Sandwiches here; hear me read and discuss a poem on A Mouthful of Air; read interviews with me on Pam Johnson's blog site Words Unlimited, in Nottingham's ace independent newspaper Left Lion and on the TCS Network site (on being a late-starter poet).
My poetry heroine/mentor is Mimi Khalvati. I'm currently a member of an on-line workshopping group convened by Paul Stephenson.
I was born and raised in Nottingham but have spent my adult life in London, the last 45 + years in Covent Garden, specifically Seven Dials, home of the broadsheet and the ballad. I've been a social worker and community activist, worked on a political and financial risk journal, in arts television and artist development and on community-led public realm projects and conservation.